Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Matthew Collings_This is Civilization


If you're interested in art and have ever wondered "What's it all about then, eh?", then this is essential viewing.
The top link has info on the whole series (4 episodes), and the bottom link is to the playlist on Youtube.


And once you're done with that, look up Matthew Colling's other documentaries:
This is Modern Art
Impressionism, Revenge of the Nice
Matt's Old Masters
...and many more.

Trust me, it'll be time well spent.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

From Session # 3_Mark Heng

55 minutes, 4b pencil

Ann wanted a long pose, so the second half of the session was devoted to that. 

It's interesting how long poses present their own problems!  I can definitely drive myself crazy trying to work up a degree of finish without losing sight of the big picture.  Like drawing a nice foot, then realizing it's way too big in relation to the head. 

Anyone else experience things like that?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer Sessions Budget

Slush fund starting June 25:  98 euro
60 euro paid to Raggle Taggle out of the slush fund on July 2.  Now:  38 euro.

New Prepaid Members:
  1. Charlotte Leedy  60
  2. Cliona Murphy 60
Returning Members:
  1. Marie-Clare Boothman 40
  2. Ann Maloney 60
  3. Mark Heng 60
The slush fund will be used for paying Raggle Taggle the 2 euro/session for prepaid and returning members.

June 25-  E36
July 2- E22
July 9- E12
July 16- E34
July 23-  E12
July 30- E24

Total collected- E140
- E20 to Ann Maloney (returning member)
-E20 to Mark Heng (returning member)
-E20 to Marie-Clare (returning member)
-E20 to Raggle Taggle

=60 left for slush fund+ 38= 98 slush fund (August 1)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

From Summer Session #2_Mark Heng

I'm posting all the drawing from the evening just to give a flavor of the variety and number of poses.  That's a decent amount of drawing in 2 hours!
4 sessions left!  
Exercise Ball!