Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Life Drawing Sessions_Spring Semester 2016

Hi Everyone,

The LFDS Spring Term is here!  

Please note that we have a new night-  Wednesdays.

12 Sessions
Wednesdays starting 20th January to 20th April 
Easter Break on 23rd & 30th March
8-10 p.m. sharp.
At Dromroe Village Hall on the UL Campus.
€100 prepaid (Makes you a member)
€12 per session- Pay as you go

27th January will be a FREE TASTER SESSION! 
Space limited to 25, so please respond to book your place.

Bring your own materials and draw however you like.
These sessions are brought to you in association with The University of Limerick Arts Office.
Why become a member?
By prepaying, you are helping make these sessions happen by ensuring money for the model.  
Members can choose to run a session as MP (Master of Poses). 
Returning members (prepayers who prepaid for a previous block of sessions) can receive up to 50% back at the end of the term if the sessions are well attended.

Here's a map of UL:

Dromroe Village Hall is #12, just beyond the University Concert Hall parking lot (where you should park if you're driving).
For those of you without cars, here's a bus schedule from Limerick City: 

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