Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Battling the Darkness...


Ivan Daly said...

Hah awesome thing to do woth the line on the colour one! The likeness on the drawing next to the colour one is brilliant.

marie-clare said...

"the final battle"
(google translate is my friend!)
love the way those speedy lines have burst into flames and movement Mark. ju do that?!!
great drawings.

marie-clare said...

hi just noticed your title "Battling the Darkness" ..apologies i was goggling the latin translation, and probably spelled it wrong :-/

Mark Heng said...

Cheers, lads!
Haha, it's supposed to say "Fight until the end", but Google Translate is dodgy, alright...
The glowing line effect was done in Photoshop by inverting the original image, then adding the "glowing lines" filter, motion blur, color blending mode, and some difference clouds.

marie-clare said...


hey i've just found out about this movie (drawing is so ancient!)